If you have been contacted by Credit Collection Services, and you do not know what to do, it is not ideal to ignore them. The likely chances are multinationals, private companies or small companies have hired their services to collect a past-due debt. These agencies are reminders of the fact that you owe a debt and that it needs to be cleared. It is always a good idea to respond when you are contacted by the credit service collection agency to settle matters with them instead of neglecting your debts.

Many things might cross your mind after being contacted by the agency. Do they have authority to take legal actions, what steps should you take to deal with an agency, how will the state protect your rights, etc. The points discussed below will solve all your worries.

Are Credit Collection Agencies Legitimate?

When you are contacted by a credit collection agency , do not think their way of working is unlawful. Companies like Nelson Cooper & Ortiz, LLC offers commercial debt and credit collection services to MNC’s and small firms alike. They work in a steadfast professional way to retrieve the debt of their clients without making them lose customers. If you have no recollection of the debt, the best way is not to disbelief the legitimacy of a credit collection services.

What Should You Do when A Credit Collection Agency Contacts You?

Sometimes when a collection agency contacts you, your first reaction is confusion. It will be difficult for you to handle the proceedings with an agency if you do not know what to do.

Here are 3 tips that will help you deal with a debt collector.

Get a Copy of Your Credit Report

Collection agencies usually report a collection account to the credit bureaus after being hired by the first party. Consumers often forget to collect on an account until an entry is made on a credit report. It will make getting a loan, an impossible scenario for you.

When these agencies contact you regarding an outstanding debt, having a copy of your credit report will help you match your debt with them. If you can match your debt with them, it becomes a legitimate debt that you have to ultimately pay. Usually, professional commercial collection agencies won’t make mistakes; however, it is crucial to double-check.

Consumers often forget to collect their credit reports. If your credit report contains past dues, getting a loan will be an impossible scenario for you. It is advised to always keep in touch with your report to understand your financial situation better.

When agencies contact you regarding an outstanding debt, having a copy of your credit report will help you match your debt with them. Usually, professional commercial collection agencies won’t make mistakes; however, it is crucial to double-check.

Request a Debt Verification Letter From The Agency

When you are contacted by a debt collection agency in Houston, you are very well within your legal rights to demand a debt verification letter from them.

This letter is issued by the agency containing all important information related to the debt. Collection agencies whom the first party may have hired to retrieve the debt might inform you regarding the letter however, it is better to ask for one than wait

In case, the agency is choosing to ignore or neglect your request for a debt verification letter, or provide you complete information regarding the debt. The obligation will be canceled and removed from your credit report. This is not a usual case, since all trustworthy agencies have complete information with them before proceeding to contact you about it.

Know Your Rights Under Federal Law

In case, you are proceeding to contact with a commercial collection agency regarding an outstanding debt. You owe to the party who has hired their services, understanding Federal Law is a must. The reputed debt collection companies know and understand the implications of Federal Law and how it applies to debt collection practices. There are maximum chances that you would not be taken advantage of, however, for your benefit, learn the basics of federal law related to debts.

Which Federal Laws are related to debt collection practices?

Reviewing the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act will help you when a debt agency contacts you. You can also use Debt Collection FAQs provided by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). It is created in a manner that every common person will understand the logistics of debt collection after reading it. Professional debt collection agencies usually make sure that they work according to the debt laws of the USA. However, it will always be in your favor to know and use the laws to your advantage. The Collection Agent should be aware of the fact that you are aware of your rights.

When any credit collection service contacts you, the first thing to keep in mind is to not panic. Debt collection is usually done in a civilized way that would not affect your social prestige or self-esteem. These professional agencies will give you maximum time to pay back the amount so all you are left with is a good credit report.