When it comes to health, prevention is always better than cure. It’s essential to identify potential health issues early to help prevent complications and save on costly medical expenses. The best way to do this is by taking regular full health check-ups. A full health check-up is a comprehensive medical assessment that evaluates your overall health, identifies potential risks, and detects health conditions at an early stage. A full health check-up provides peace of mind and assures you of your well being.

Policybazaar.com, one of the leading online insurance marketplaces in India, offers its customers a preventive health check-up feature in collaboration with top health check-up providers in the country. With Policybazaar’s full health check-up, customers can avail comprehensive health check-ups at an affordable price.

What is Full Health Check-Up?

A full health check-up is an extensive medical assessment that covers various aspects of your health, including a physical examination, laboratory tests, imaging tests, and other diagnostic tests. The full health check-up is designed to assess your overall health and identify potential health risks.

The full health check-up typically includes a detailed medical history, a physical examination, laboratory investigations including complete blood count, Lipid profile, blood sugar levels, liver function tests, kidney function tests, thyroid function tests, and other tests based on individual needs. The full health check-up also includes imaging tests like X-rays, ultrasound, and MRI scans, based on the age and medical history of the patient.

Benefits of Full Health Check-Up

A full health check-up offers several benefits that can help you maintain your health. Here are a few benefits of a full health check-up:

  1. Identifying health risks: A full health check-up can help identify potential health risks before they develop into serious conditions. Early detection allows for timely treatment and better outcomes.
  2. Early detection of diseases: A full health check-up can help detect diseases at an early stage, making it easier to treat and manage.
  3. Improving overall health: A full health check-up can provide a comprehensive overview of your health status, allowing you to make lifestyle changes to improve your overall health.
  1. Peace of mind: A full health check-up can provide peace of mind by assuring you of your wellbeing and detecting potential health problems.

Integrated Cancer Insurance

In addition to offering full health check-ups, Policybazaar also provides integrated cancer insurance as part of its health insurance plans. Cancer is a severe health condition that requires extensive treatment and can cause financial strain. Policybazaar’s integrated cancer insurance provides financial protection against the high costs of cancer treatment.

Cancer insurance covers the costs associated with cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. The policy covers inpatient hospitalization, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery, and pre and post-hospitalization expenses. Cancer insurance also provides a lump sum amount on diagnosis, regardless of the treatment costs. The coverage amount depends on the policy you choose and your insurance needs.

The integrated cancer insurance policy provides an additional layer of health coverage to ensure that you’re financially protected against the costs of cancer treatment.

Why Choose Policybazaar’s Full Health Check-Up with Integrated Cancer Insurance?

Policybazaar’s full health check-up with integrated cancer insurance combines two essential features that offer comprehensive health coverage. Here are a few reasons to choose Policybazaar’s full health check-up with integrated cancer insurance:

  • Affordable: Policybazaar’s full health check-up with integrated cancer insurance is affordable, making it accessible to everyone.
  • Comprehensive coverage: The full health check-up with integrated cancer insurance provides comprehensive coverage, including preventive health check-ups, cancer diagnosis and treatment, hospitalization costs, and post-hospitalization expenses.
  • Peace of mind: The full health check-up with integrated cancer insurance offers peace of mind that you’re well-prepared to face any health challenges.
  • One-stop-shop: Policybazaar’s online platform is a one-stop-shop for all your health insurance needs, making it easy to compare policies, select coverage, and make payments.


A full health check-up with integrated cancer insurance is the best way to ensure comprehensive health coverage. The full health check-up provides a detailed assessment of your health, identifying potential health risks, and detecting diseases at an early stage. Integrated cancer insurance provides financial protection against the rising costs of cancer treatment. Policybazaar’s full health check-up with integrated cancer insurance offers affordable, comprehensive, and hassle-free health insurance coverage, providing peace of mind to you and your loved ones. Get in touch with Policybazaar to learn more about full health check-up and integrated cancer insurance plans.